slight pet peeve

Yesterday I had a good workout but it ended on a "meh" kind of note. It was good cause I was wearing two sports bra and they were thoroughly soaked >:) Chest, Shoulders, Tris 3 x 15 DB shoulder press 15 DB lateral raises, superset 10 pushups. Do 3 sets 3 x 15 tricep extensions 3 x 15 cable crossovers Butt while waiting for the squat rack... cause some dude likes to look at his phone and sit on the actual bar whilst waiting in between, weird. 10 plie squats followed by however long you want to jumprope (with DBs) Do 4 sets Squats 4 x 10 increasing weights each time Deadlifts since I went up to 95 lbs last time, I decided to start with 95 today. Cake! did about 10 reps (eventually) and then added 5 more pounds (not much difference!) was going to make it 105 lbs BUT THEN while I was in my Dianasaur-mode, some dude came up to me and I asked me how many more sets I had left. I never ask anyone how many sets they have/or how much longer they're going to be o...