Yay for workout dates :)

One of my best friends and I have decided to workout together every Wednesdays! So good because we keep each other accountable and learn new workout routines. I think I want us to switch off every other week to plan out the workout of the day :P
But yesterday I planned the workout and she wanted to do arms and I wanted to do booty

-Cable crossovers
-Cable pressdown
-on knees pushups

-leg press
-swiss machine kick backs
-abduction on floor
-jumping squats (vs she did wide stance, narrow stance, and sumo stance squats)

I usually do weights that I can go as 'heavy' as I personally can and do 8 reps each. But with Anabelle, we sometimes did lighter weights and instead did more reps. It works! my arms are hurtingg

Love how we're working out together! But then we went to yardhouse afterwards and enjoyed some happy hour goods. OOPS :) maybe next time we won't do that, except just enjoy a post-workout brew ;)


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