Two weeks

to improve myself and enjoy myself
Basically I want this time to set a lifestyle that I can continue to follow even when I'm the busiest I can be later. It takes two weeks to form a habit or break one :)

Ways I'd like to improve myself:

  • Definitely try to go gym everyday to lift weights and do HIIT cycling or reading a book while cycling? hahaI want to really establish a habit to be better at my time management and efficiency with my life and the gym. I've actually finally worked out one week straight, I haven't done that in a long minute..
    • read self-improvement books
  • Relearn Korean again. Actually I feel like I should relearn Spanish too.. dang it, I thought I lived in America. (at the hospital I was at, 95% were Spanish speakers. This kind of handicaps me because of the language barrier)
  • Volunteer 
  • do yoga with mom
  • blog more consistently


  • spend time with friends and family. Reconnect with friends because everyone is busy and I'm also not the best at keeping in touch
  • go to museums, go on yelp adventures, go hike, watch movies that I've missed out on, visit the library and read books
  • celebrate NYE
  • celebrate birthday..
  • musttt go on a cabin trip


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