Adventuring With Purpose

Last week I had to take care of an errand (yes just one errand) in the LA area. I have this rule... if I drive to a place, I have to spend at least the amount of time it takes to drive to and fro at this destination. Well, ideally.

I don't really know how to parallel park. But mainly it's because I live in Suburbia and I'm also too afraid to really attempt to try. Why?.. when I got my first car I u-ed into a parked car and also while coming out of a parking spot I scraped the side of my car on a pole....soo ever since then, I've just tried to avoid any situations that would force me to parallel park. I've been successful at it so far *knock on wood* I do know that this is such a handicap for me -__- But I swear, I'm not a bad driver. I just don't do well with inanimate things and I'm not very good at parking, I admit.

Well anyways, I yelped around and google-mapped so I had a better idea of where I was heading to. Got to park at a plaza (where the coffee shop I was going to study at was located) that had cheap valet (err, free valet + tip Yay!) and just had to walk several blocks to get to my errand, but it was a good walk.

*saw this pretty graffiti artwork and through instagram networking found out it is by @iamantigirl (tiphanie brooke) which she hashtags with #angelsdust . I loved how it was glittery and sparkly and this wall faced a fenced, weed-overgrown lot. This piece is at such a random place it's very unexpected.
*passed by this building with shops at the bottom and I believe apartment complexes above them? The painting on the walls made it look like the walls were concaved. pretty neat. I was acting like such a tourist taking pictures of everyday norms for the people walking and driving around here :P
*Although I had a grand time walking around the neighborhood by myself, the best part was getting to the cafe I searched up on yelp and enjoying a warm green tea latte (with latte art!) whilst being studious and making the most of my time here. Also a great big plus was that Bourbon Street Cafe has great jazzy-indie music and I love their playlist. Fortunately, I was able to study straight through for many hours, but once a good looking biker sat a footsies game away from me, it was time for me to head home and get ready for an early morning the next day :)


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