Tacos & Drugs

I love finding songs through tv shows!
Bones actually has pretty great indie-ish songs playing in the background.
But today's little gem is:
Woraholics: Tacos & Drugs
omagerd. The characters are so bromantic (like 99% gay) and super awkward, yet they think they are pretty damn cool and awesome. But the best part is that although they do extremely bizarre things (like you just wonder are there people who actually think that/have that situation), they generally have good hearts and oftentimes take care of each other & their coworkers (unless they're being competitive over one of their ridiculous antics) while enjoying their post college/early 20's with one another; to them that's all that really matters in life. And it's funny when they have one insight of maturity out of all the crazy immature shit they happen to put themselves through.


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