
Showing posts from 2014

oh my where has the time gone: 3 MORE DAYS

Dec 9 Tuesday  squats 135 lb deadlift 135 lb but forgot my "mouse pads" back grips so did only 3 sets. wanted to do cardio and ended up in cycling class for 15 mins. Dec 10 Wednesday  rest Dec 11 Thursday took test, came home early jogged/walked to gym and back (3 miles)  SO HILLY Did a killer upper arm workout - Back, Shoulders, Chest Dec 12 Friday didn't make time to go gym. danced around and did situps Dec 13 Saturday took cellucor hd and my heart is still beating in my chest more than an hour after I took the pre workout fat burner. Went to gym first thing in morning for fasted workout. Did  Week 3 Kayla Itsines Friday total body  workout. Afterwards wanted to work  Back:  -cable rows -close grip lat pull down -shoulder pull downs -cycled 10 minutes Saturday: after week 3 Kayla Itsines + weight training Dec 14 & 15 Sunday, Monday Rest Dec 16 Tuesday Squat day! warmed up with bar (15 squats), jump up to 95 lbs,...

Saturday, Sunday, Monday - 11 days left

Playing catch up on blogging is hard. I've come to realize that I'm not very good at keeping track of what I do everyday and looking at pictures I take each day really helps me. Is this like short-term memory stuff? Saturday Woke up incredibly sore from the squats and deadlifts however had the energy and motivation to go to the gym and do Kayla Itsines  BBG week 2 Friday total body. I'm used to doing my fasted workouts in my room LOL but being in the gym environment where strangers can see your workouts kind of makes you more accountable for each workout. Gotta look like a badass you know. I ain't got this body just from chilling. jkjk I did.. been eating chips and chilling on my bed while watching tv, that's why I don't have abs :( Afterwards, unofficially celebrated one of my best friend's birthday! Got asked to be her bridesmaids and we went wedding dress shopping. One step closer to getting our friend married! She is going to be a beauuuutiful bride...

Thursday THANKSGIVING & Friday - 14 days left!

UH noz I only have 2 weeks left for my attempt to get abs, but then I also have only 2 weeks until I get to see my love! Indulging in Thanksgiving feasting may have set my progress back but Idunncare! There's more of me to be thankful for :D Thanksgiving  thursday Lots to be thankful and grateful for but still inspired and even more motivated to strive to be my very best. I'm so thankful for my family, for all the sacrifices and love and selflessness that I still have much to learn. And coming upon  Dwayne the Rock Johnson 's post this morning was so humbling and encouraging. It was a great reminder for me to reinforce my aspirations. For Thanksgiving we picked up turkey and ham from Honeybaked and made the side dishes ourselves. We're a small family without any extended relatives to celebrate with so we do Thanksgiving without any frills and thrills. It's quite simple  compared to many other familys' traditions but we still value the namesake of Thanksgiv...

Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday - 16 days left

I need to be more on point with my diet this week. The past weekend I had japchae, tortilla chips & spinach dips, ice cream, frosted mini wheats, and salt & vinegar chips; carbs were clearly my friend this weekend... I even took naps after snacking. HAHA leap one step forward, fall back two steps is the name of my progress  Monday did Fasted cardio: Week 2 Monday BBG. need more energy! Tuesday August vs Oct. hahah not much gains or losses. No time for fasted cardio but eventually ended up at LA fitness and got a 2 month pass. Not sure if I got an ok deal because my gut feeling for some reason is that I got hustled and rushed. -_- but oh well... I did really miss going to the gym tremendously and feel like I won't take the gym for granted. I think the winning factor for me personally was that I can actually jog/run/walk to this gym if I am so inclined to - Extra CARDIO :) I shall make this one of my month goals before it gets much too cold and/or rainy. Sinc...

Saturday & Sunday - 19 days left

Saturday On this day I decided to try out Cellucor Super HD . haah why not, I wasn't planning to go anywhere. I don't know how to describe the effects of preworkouts. Do I say the "come up" was kind of sudden? Or the energy "hit" me a bit intensely in the beginning? haha I'm just kidding. It did make me jittery and a little sick in the beginning. Also made my heart beat faster or maybe some anxiety kicked in. Soon enough however it tapered off and I had a decent cardio session. I think it definitely gave me some energy but was not very long lasting as I had anticipated. I did notice that my hunger and appetite was suppressed for a while (I was mildly starving when I woke up in the morning) but hey, this girl's appetite is never really gone :). I ate fine after my fasted workout. Hehe, I think I have 2 abs that are trying to pop out.. but they're a bit fatty. I'll take it though, progress is still progress ^_^. On this Saturday I also f...

Thursday & Friday - 21 days left

{ VS  tulip workout tank// Volcom  shorts} Thursday : Did Kayla Itsines ' week 1 Monday+Wednesday circuits. Meaning I combined both days so I only had to do a circuit once through = 4 circuits in total! Wednesday's workout is a lot of ab work 0_o. Also cute workout shirts motivate me even more :) This tank makes my back look sorta muscular.. haha I've been doing  pullups/chin ups when restless and bored at home. Also been doing pushups . I think they have been beneficial especially since no gym membership yet. Friday : Was planning to do uphill sprints first thing in the morning, however not enough willpower for that and body is just so stiff. Good thing there's week 1 Friday workout + another good HIIT playlist I found. I don't usually crave sweets but was feening for cookies so decided to make protein cookies! :D I got inspiration from this super simple recipe:  Greatist protein cookie Roasted soybean powder Since I'm generally a bad baker I ...

Tuesday - 24 days left

On Monday I did ab tucks and ab pikes with the stability ball and crunches while waiting for dinner. I was still a bit sore from Kayla Itsines's workout and had a test to study for as well therefore no workout. And on Tuesdays I don't wake up early enough to do fasted cardio, so before lunch I did 35 minutes of jumping rope. :) Kind of had relatively lazy days the past two days, but back on Kayla's workout tmw! Can't wait to kill the workout! { Pacsun : Kirra black dress// Bullhead black jean vest} For some reason when I see people running around on bike paths and around the neighborhood, I think it's such a great sight. Maybe it's because seeing that makes me motivated as well? I'm not sure. Or the fact that there are a good number of people who jog around with their family and/or friends or even by themselves. I've tried to convince my family to take evening strolls with me, but ever since Daylight Savings, it's become much too dark once...

Monday - 25 days left

Yesterday I checked my mail and finally got this bad boy from Groupon: Jarv NMotion bluetooth earbuds with sports armband. It has changed my life. HAHA jk, but it's super convenient to not have to wear an armband and just have my phone in my bag or on the table. I can't wait to use this at the gym when I don't have to constantly take out my phone from the armband if I want to text or look up something (haha I know I know, I shouldn't be texting so much while doing my workouts, but at least I do it quickly and after a set is done, right?). o:) Imagining how it'd feel to have bewbs melon sized. Isn't this mini watermelon so cute though Last time I was doing a countdown, or more like a countup of workouts to Halloween, but this time I decided to just do a countdown of days til  12/12  since I seemed to lose count of when I worked out or not.. [12/12 is when I get to see Mr. Marshmallow!] Therefore I have almost 4 weeks to keep working on ma body. Usually at...

Sexy Saturday

hehe last night I had some .. ok 2 bowls of frosted strawberry mini wheats. mmph so good. but I don't think I'll let myself do that again especially for a midnight snack. This morning my stomach was quick to respond to the consequences :/ As a result, today I have been strict and on point with my low carb macros and drinking lots of water. This is the workout I partially did while dancing/jumping/pushup-ing. Today was exceptionally hard to do fasted cardio I think because my body felt bloated and lethargic from yesterday's eating. Even black coffee wasn't really effective and I almost contemplated trying out the cellucor super HD pill. Now that I think about it, I should've popped one today for a test run and see how it affects my body.. Tomorrow I shall. Anyways, I still trudged through the fasted workout with some sexy Satuday music ;) { Pacsun :  Kirra  bird dress// Hollister denim shirt} I'm kind of doing my own Pacsun challenge and seeing how...

Fattie Friday gluttony

woo I ate a lot of carbies today. X.x I shall call today High carb reload day. ha joke. I just can't resist spicy Jjampong and fried sweet, sour, hot Gam pong shrimp (korean-chinese fusion food) It's ok, I didn't eat excessively since we shared family style. :) But regardless it was a carb overload , considering my usual ~50-60 g of carb allowance. haha with the "high carb reload" mentality I convinced myself that I might as well be merry and continue on with carbing: EAT the white rice, EAT the leftovers for dinner. Overdid a bit and actually considering doing a second bout of cardio when I'm done digesting. Yes, I need to be better at restricting myself and finding a fine balance, but I'm absolutely not kicking myself. The meals today were delicious! Worth one day of carb gluttony. hmm... maybe I might as well sneak in some ice cream on this glorious carby day o:) { Pacsun : Kirra  striped jacket// Nike  shoes} So my manfriend challenged me t...

Friday fasted cardio: Dyro Daftastic Radio 058 Live @ Tomorrowland 2014

"You'll never find your place up there in the sky  If you never say goodbye" Uncelift music for this fine Friday

Brutal Bodyweight HIIT 3 - Christine Salus

I have to say this is my favorite Christine Salus Hiit workout yet. It's great because there is no need for equipment, just your own bodyweight and what you put into the workout. Did this video right after work and before dinner. Honey can't eat until workout done for the day! So for a couple of days I was a bit out of commission in the working out aspect because while I was doing HIIT Sprints I must've tweeked my knee. X.x google said it's Runner's knee . Whatever it was it really hurt and I could feel my joints grating against each other o_0 grosses me out. So I let that rest and mend itself while I took calcium and glucosamine pills which I believe really helped speed the healing process. However, I also noticed that I really need to be active every day because I get restless, lethargic as well, and kind of low-key depressed. Need my natural endorphins I suppose. I might be able to blame it on TOM and depleted hormones messing with me as well. Hormones yo...

Sweet, dessert cravings

I've been having cravings for sweet things and desserty, carby stuff lately. I'm not sure if it's because I've added so much more carbs to my diet or if it's because of my impending TOM date.. I don't usually get cravings for sweet nothings. haha But I do know somehow that the less carbs I eat, the less I eventually crave it. so strange right. Although I have added more carbs to my diet, I can definitely say that at least they are 'healthier, cleaner' versions: brown rice, carby fruits, wheat bread. But for iifym that doesn't really seem to matter. A carb is a carb is a carb is a carb Current obsession is frozen banana with PB + nutella and chocolate chips. mmmm This is great substitute for ice cream but I dunno, bananas are pretty high carb so maybe I shall interchange o:)

Saturday Fasted cardio: 1000 Calorie HIIT Workout - Christine Salus

Okk. I only did part 1 + dancing around and jumping around because I was doing this fasted. But hey 1000/3 = about 333 calories. I'll take that! I started to look into youtube HIIT videos because I got a little bored with the Insanity workouts. It's also motivating to see "in real life" people working out too (Shaun T is like a workout guru/celebrity :P) Listening to great unce-lifting music really, absolutely helps! I came upon Mandy Lee 20  HIIT playlist today by random search on Soundcloud. Great for cardio for sure :)

Well, I was counting days till Halloween. It has passed now

It's only been like 1.25 week since I got my LASIK done. Seems like forever ago! The dry eyes have gotten better and halos around the lights at night is less halo-ish. But I still haven't really worked out except for light fasted cardio and pullups/chinups . I'm still too scared to do pushups and go lift. I think when it has passed 2 weeks I'll finally go to the gym! I actually can't wait. It's crazy how 2 weeks of no lifting really played a number on me. Ok to be honest I did lose weight while doing low carb/keto diet and fasted cardio in the morning. But I need more than that. It probably was mostly water weight and whatever gains I made on my booty. I feel so strong and more confident when I push myself at the gym with weights. I can imagine my muscles shriveling and my body fat enveloping me more currently.. Another thing I am looking forward to is putting on eye makeup. Holy crap... I look tired without makeup but my awesome friends and manfriend t...

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse - Lasik edition

Ok, So I've been a bit MIA this weekend because... * commence drumroll * I just had LASIK procedure done on Saturday morning! Oh man, I have to be honest, it was bit nerve-wrecking and scary but I swear practicing a bit of yoga meditation and calming breaths really helped. It was also great that my surgeon told me step-by-step what he was doing and what to expect while in a calming, encouraging manner. "It's going to go dark right about now" "Focus on the green flashing light" "You're doing great" "My assistant will be holding your hand at this next part" "That was the hardest part" (The part when you feel pressure and know they're cutting a flap on your cornea X.x Oh gawdddd) I pretty much slept all day and night of Saturday. It would've helped me tremendously if I saw the tylenol in the post-op kit... my eyes were stinging and they were tearing while I waited for the ambien to kick in. Yeupp. so...

Day 19: Fasted dancing & cheesy chicken bake

Everyday I'm trying to make my mom do squats . HAHA do you remember starting out with body weight only and then gradually adding more as you progress? Oops, I immediately started her off with 10 lbs and she said she'll be sore tomorrow. Oh mother, you are so dramatic. You guys should make your mamas do some body weight workouts if they have not yet started. I worry about brittle bones, and loss of calcium, and osteoporosis. So even though my mom may not be proactive about her future health, I will be her enforcer! >:) When on a Keto/Low-carb diet  initially it's quite easy to lose weight. But I think it's definitely mostly water weight. but still great 2 lb loss in less than a week. wooo hoo. I was craving pizza today. But, Willpower  dammit. So I knew there was some leftover rotisserie chicken and a floret of broccoli at hand. Baked it in the oven with cheese and turkey pepperonis! Pasta with this would've been so good x.x :) Rawr, Dianasaur

day 18: Fasted dancing/insanity

okk, little confession, I didn't work out yesterday because I told myself I would sprint in the evening after work.. But, the sun keeps setting earlier and earlier and well my mind and body thinks I should get ready for bed soon Z.z haha. At least I got a lot of studying done instead I either need to make my willpower stronger or move my sprinting schedule to earlier. Knowing myself completely, I will have to do HIIT/sprints earlier. One advantage of not having the gym for lifting seshes is that I am more strict on my low carb/keto diet. Before I'd say ohh I can burn off the ice cream or this slice of pizza or eat my burgers with buns since I'll make today a squat/deadlift day. But now I'm really trying to limit carbs to about 50g or less a day. I don't think I burn nearly as many calories doing cardio as I did when I lifted. But it's A-OK. I still eat well :) Example: this steak fajitas wrapped in lettuce because I was craving tacos and burritos. And...

Day 17 - fasted cardio and monday grumps..

MOODY Mondays It seems like people are grumpier on Mondays? They are probably recovering/withdrawing from the festivities of the weekends and are sad they have to start the weekdays all over again. I notice my tutees are grumpier, stubborn and I also notice drivers are more impatient and irritable it seems on Mondays. so strange.. So.. I'm officially gym-less right now. It feels so weird and bittersweet. I'm not sure what gym I will be going to next since my 2 year 24 hour fitness costco membership has finally terminated. I think it's time for me to check out MMA! But I also love lifting and making sure my muscles don't atrophy. haha I hope I don't lose my butt gains this week since I will mostly be doing cardio and HIIT/ Sprints . Pictures like this definitely motivate me to do sprints over long-distance jogging. Remember FAST twitch muscles, we want to fatigue them :)! Furthermore, since I am no longer lifting (for the next two weeks most likely wh...

Day 16: cardio dancing

I don't really know how to explain what my workout was this morning.. I put  Insanity and Despicable Me  in the background then put in my earphones to an EDM station. For the span of one Insanity workout I basically shuffled-danced around, gyrated, booty-popped (or as much as I could with my baby cakes) and did jumping jacks and jump ropes and high knees in between. SO. MUCH. FUN. I think the best explanation I could give is possibly a hype girl or go-go dancer at a rave + mesh of work out moves?.... hmmm but not that sexy, but just as energetic. I swear dancing is good for your abs :) interestingly, I am currently watching some go-go videos on youtube for some inspiration & moves. hahah xD :) Rawr, Dianasaur

Day 14 Squats, Deadlifts oh my. Day 15 CST

Thursday I believe I just ran around the neighborhood and wasn't very proactive with my working out. So I won't count this day. Day 14 Friday .  I spent most of the morning getting my eyes checked out and then immediately after I went to the gym for  Volume training  Squats! -warmup with the bar -add the 25 plates and do a set -make it 35 plates and do two sets -make it 45 plates and do as many reps. I take rests in between since I don't have anyone to spot me and every time I don't succeed in completing my squat I have to take the plates off and raise the bar again LOL.  -afterwards go back down to 25 plates and do volume training I also did some deadlifts, I couldn't resist. Then did Adbuctor machine before heading home. Oh but first, let me take a selfie I'm telling you  Squats > Deadlift  for booty growth. Trust me, I like big butts and I want one too. Day 15 Saturday .  Today I got to workout and teach my f...

Day 13 sprint & Back & Abs

Day 13 Oh Wednesday , you hump. So on this day the first thing I did after waking up was to do some fasted  HIIT uphill sprints . I made sure to make Wednesday a successful workout day since I knew later in the evening I would be indulging at a Yelp event o:) Why yes, I am on  Yelp elite!  It's quite awesome although this year I haven't taken advantage of the title. I think I will have to warmup jog before sprints next time. Last time I jogged around the neighborhood while listening to my spotify playlist and that made my circulation get going and my endorphins and enthusiasm at a high. But when I ran full speed right into sprints after waking up from my slumber, I was a bit sluggish. After the sprints, I had breakfast while recuperating then eventually went to the gym to workout my back and Sauna. Back and biceps were thoroughly sore on Thursday! I think my favorite back workout ( well other than deadlifts, but I'm laying off on that since my dislocated rib is both...

Low Carb & Keto ideas

Halloween is in two weeks. Time to hone in diet and I know keto works the fastest for me. Wish me luck :( carbs taste even better when you restrict them *Breakfast option: fruits (I am not going to take fruits out of my diet, instead I will allot myself to have them in the morning) and/or protein shake -nuts -hardboiled egg -peanut butter Avocado, egg toast Chili cucumber noodles Wedge salads Cucumber roll ups Baked parmesan zucchini Cucumber chicken salad sub wrap omelet wrap Low carb sausage bake Bean sprout "noodles" SNACK: Blue diamond almonds. smokehouse flavor is my favoriteee This is such an awesome alternative to chips, albeit it is a bit salty. However I need some flavoring in my life since I kind of eat my food on the bland side. Sometimes I feel like I don't get enough electrolytes, namely sodium, in my diet. But then of course when you eat packaged food (like even sandwich meats) ...