oh my where has the time gone: 3 MORE DAYS

Dec 9 Tuesday squats 135 lb deadlift 135 lb but forgot my "mouse pads" back grips so did only 3 sets. wanted to do cardio and ended up in cycling class for 15 mins. Dec 10 Wednesday rest Dec 11 Thursday took test, came home early jogged/walked to gym and back (3 miles) SO HILLY Did a killer upper arm workout - Back, Shoulders, Chest Dec 12 Friday didn't make time to go gym. danced around and did situps Dec 13 Saturday took cellucor hd and my heart is still beating in my chest more than an hour after I took the pre workout fat burner. Went to gym first thing in morning for fasted workout. Did Week 3 Kayla Itsines Friday total body workout. Afterwards wanted to work Back: -cable rows -close grip lat pull down -shoulder pull downs -cycled 10 minutes Saturday: after week 3 Kayla Itsines + weight training Dec 14 & 15 Sunday, Monday Rest Dec 16 Tuesday Squat day! warmed up with bar (15 squats), jump up to 95 lbs,...