Brutal Bodyweight HIIT 3 - Christine Salus

I have to say this is my favorite Christine Salus Hiit workout yet. It's great because there is no need for equipment, just your own bodyweight and what you put into the workout. Did this video right after work and before dinner. Honey can't eat until workout done for the day!

So for a couple of days I was a bit out of commission in the working out aspect because while I was doing HIIT Sprints I must've tweeked my knee. X.x google said it's Runner's knee. Whatever it was it really hurt and I could feel my joints grating against each other o_0 grosses me out. So I let that rest and mend itself while I took calcium and glucosamine pills which I believe really helped speed the healing process.
However, I also noticed that I really need to be active every day because I get restless, lethargic as well, and kind of low-key depressed. Need my natural endorphins I suppose. I might be able to blame it on TOM and depleted hormones messing with me as well. Hormones you beech.

Anyways there were a couple of little things that made me happy this week. I mean, I don't think I'm too hard to please, which is really awesome for my personality and general satisfaction.

1. On Groupon there was a pretty decent deal for Cellucor ($25 for $50). So I jumped on that because I've been wanting to try their raved about protein powders (peanut butter marshmallow, red velvet, cake confetti, cinnamon swirl, cookies and cream to name a few). I spent a good amount of time trying to decide which flavor to order. Not ashamed, protein is kind of pricy and all of them sound delicious! I also wanted to try preworkout for the first time but eventually ended up purchasing the Super HD fat burner pills. okkk. I think my body responds pretty well to caffeine, as in caffeine is effective... therefore I am a bit wary and nervous about the energy these puppies might give me. But I'll save these for when I get a gym membership and do squats and deadlifts! Oh ps, I ended up choosing Peanut butter marshmallow cause cmon, you can't ever go wrong with peanut butter. Plus this seemed to be the most popular and consistently reviewed.

2. So a couple of times this week I've been interval uphill sprinting and only for a total of 1 mile. It's pretty awesome using Mapmyrun and GPS to determine .05 mile so 1 sprint uphill + resting walk down the street = .1 mile. Do 10 cycles = 1 mile!
I also got to use my finger LED lights and give myself a mini lightshow because running in the dark is a little dangerous

3. This cute Tek Gear jackets from Kohl's was $8 because it was discounted at 80%. Awesome! I've realized that since I haven't been going to the gym, I haven't been wearing cute workout outfits; they're collecting dust! Hahah I think I'm going to try to take more pictures of my outfits :P I personally think my style is casual, comfy, and cute just like me ^_^
{Nike leggings/ Tek Gear jacket} 


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