Monday - 25 days left

Yesterday I checked my mail and finally got this bad boy from Groupon: Jarv NMotion bluetooth earbuds with sports armband.
It has changed my life. HAHA jk, but it's super convenient to not have to wear an armband and just have my phone in my bag or on the table. I can't wait to use this at the gym when I don't have to constantly take out my phone from the armband if I want to text or look up something (haha I know I know, I shouldn't be texting so much while doing my workouts, but at least I do it quickly and after a set is done, right?). o:)

Imagining how it'd feel to have bewbs melon sized.
Isn't this mini watermelon so cute though
Last time I was doing a countdown, or more like a countup of workouts to Halloween, but this time I decided to just do a countdown of days til 12/12 since I seemed to lose count of when I worked out or not.. [12/12 is when I get to see Mr. Marshmallow!] Therefore I have almost 4 weeks to keep working on ma body. Usually at this time of the year I would gladly take out my winter clothes and ya know fill them in more as time goes by. But this year I'm not going to let the seasons stray me from trying to have abs all year-round (no, I still never had visible abs before).

My plan of action for the next 4 weeks:

  • continue with low carb/keto diet and occasional "cheat" carb refeed
  • Fasted cardio & Kayla Itsines bikini body guide
  • 5 mins of abs/daily
  • go get gym membership asap because I need heavy weights to grow my butt (it has since deflated..)
I've been having a hard time making myself go scout out a new gym. I've gotten quite accustomed to working out at home and really enjoy just running around the neighborhood and sweating it out at home. I would love to have my own fully-equipped garage gym but that's for the future.

Funny story.. so I actually googled "how to get abs in 4 weeks." Eventually I came upon Kayla Itsines' bikini body guide. The before and after results are very motivating and convincing. sooo I guess I'm gonna try joining the bandwagon. Yesterday I tried Week 1 Monday's circuit. My understanding is that there are 2 different circuits and you spend 7 minutes on each then repeat again = 28 minutes + rests in between circuits. And in those 7 minutes you do as many reps of the different workouts as you can (there are 4 workouts in 1 circuit). I was able to repeat a circuit twice in the 7 minutes while just dancing around/jumping around. But it was so tiring. This morning my legs are a bit sore and I didn't use any weights; That's Great!!


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