Day 14 Squats, Deadlifts oh my. Day 15 CST

Thursday I believe I just ran around the neighborhood and wasn't very proactive with my working out. So I won't count this day.

Day 14
Friday. I spent most of the morning getting my eyes checked out and then immediately after I went to the gym for Volume training Squats!

-warmup with the bar
-add the 25 plates and do a set
-make it 35 plates and do two sets
-make it 45 plates and do as many reps. I take rests in between since I don't have anyone to spot me and every time I don't succeed in completing my squat I have to take the plates off and raise the bar again LOL. 
-afterwards go back down to 25 plates and do volume training

I also did some deadlifts, I couldn't resist. Then did Adbuctor machine before heading home.
Oh but first, let me take a selfie
I'm telling you Squats > Deadlift for booty growth. Trust me, I like big butts and I want one too.

Day 15
Today I got to workout and teach my friend what I know. I'm only ever worked out at the gym with two people and both are very knowledgeable and have taught me well! This was my first time teaching someone what I have learned :)) It was also quite motivating and fun to both fool around and push each other with the workouts.

 I made it a ChestShoulderTri day:
- warmup: 10 pushups + 10 L hand on bosu pushups + 10 R hand on bosu pushups + 10 pushups
-DB chest press
-DB chest flyes
-cable flyes
-shoulder pressdown
-tri pressdown
Arms are shot, Bang bang.

We saw a man wearing dress shirt, slacks, and dress shoes doing some workouts. Man so diligent. haha

:) Rawr, Dianasaur


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