Thursday THANKSGIVING & Friday - 14 days left!
UH noz I only have 2 weeks left for my attempt to get abs, but then I also have only 2 weeks until I get to see my love! Indulging in Thanksgiving feasting may have set my progress back but Idunncare! There's more of me to be thankful for :D

Thanksgiving thursday
Lots to be thankful and grateful for but still inspired and even more motivated to strive to be my very best. I'm so thankful for my family, for all the sacrifices and love and selflessness that I still have much to learn.
And coming upon Dwayne the Rock Johnson's post this morning was so humbling and encouraging. It was a great reminder for me to reinforce my aspirations.
For Thanksgiving we picked up turkey and ham from Honeybaked and made the side dishes ourselves. We're a small family without any extended relatives to celebrate with so we do Thanksgiving without any frills and thrills. It's quite simple compared to many other familys' traditions but we still value the namesake of Thanksgiving and express our gratitude for everything.

haha although I can say our feasting is relatively casual, I cannot say the same for Black Friday. LOL my mama "studies" ads for Black Friday and collects coupons and deals. This year our Black Friday booty wasn't as bountiful as previous years but I think it's really because none of us really had want for anything. We already scored a smart tv for a very early Christmas present for the parentals. I'm not as techy as I wish I was but I already got a good smartphone, working laptop, tv. My only desire would be a GoPro really and a shiny gold Ipad air 2 mainly because it's so prettyyy. We're not hardcore enough to catch the doorbuster sales for those items however. hahah too crazy.
I guess we still wanted to partake in Black Friday regardless and I followed along so I could work off the turkey meal and carry around boxes and bags for the mama. Turns out I was mostly a line bookmark. However I found a new coffee french press and also got some rad yoga pants :) Happy girl
This is the first time Squatting and Deadlifting since my Lasik surgery; It's been 5 weeks now!! I wasn't able to squat 135 but I'm going to blame too many warm up squats and lunges while waiting for squat rack. I was able to deadlift 135 and do my sets but I was so tired.
Nevertheless super happy that my strength has not regressed :)) Butt gainz are to be made now especially with the leftover pumpkin pie in the fridge.
I still had a endorphin high after the squats and deadlift so I listened to Mat Zo's set while cycling. UpliftUnce yea

Thanksgiving thursday
Lots to be thankful and grateful for but still inspired and even more motivated to strive to be my very best. I'm so thankful for my family, for all the sacrifices and love and selflessness that I still have much to learn.
And coming upon Dwayne the Rock Johnson's post this morning was so humbling and encouraging. It was a great reminder for me to reinforce my aspirations.
For Thanksgiving we picked up turkey and ham from Honeybaked and made the side dishes ourselves. We're a small family without any extended relatives to celebrate with so we do Thanksgiving without any frills and thrills. It's quite simple compared to many other familys' traditions but we still value the namesake of Thanksgiving and express our gratitude for everything.

haha although I can say our feasting is relatively casual, I cannot say the same for Black Friday. LOL my mama "studies" ads for Black Friday and collects coupons and deals. This year our Black Friday booty wasn't as bountiful as previous years but I think it's really because none of us really had want for anything. We already scored a smart tv for a very early Christmas present for the parentals. I'm not as techy as I wish I was but I already got a good smartphone, working laptop, tv. My only desire would be a GoPro really and a shiny gold Ipad air 2 mainly because it's so prettyyy. We're not hardcore enough to catch the doorbuster sales for those items however. hahah too crazy.
I guess we still wanted to partake in Black Friday regardless and I followed along so I could work off the turkey meal and carry around boxes and bags for the mama. Turns out I was mostly a line bookmark. However I found a new coffee french press and also got some rad yoga pants :) Happy girl

Nevertheless super happy that my strength has not regressed :)) Butt gainz are to be made now especially with the leftover pumpkin pie in the fridge.
I still had a endorphin high after the squats and deadlift so I listened to Mat Zo's set while cycling. UpliftUnce yea
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