Saturday, Sunday, Monday - 11 days left

Playing catch up on blogging is hard. I've come to realize that I'm not very good at keeping track of what I do everyday and looking at pictures I take each day really helps me. Is this like short-term memory stuff?

Woke up incredibly sore from the squats and deadlifts however had the energy and motivation to go to the gym and do Kayla Itsines BBG week 2 Friday total body. I'm used to doing my fasted workouts in my room LOL but being in the gym environment where strangers can see your workouts kind of makes you more accountable for each workout. Gotta look like a badass you know. I ain't got this body just from chilling. jkjk I did.. been eating chips and chilling on my bed while watching tv, that's why I don't have abs :(

Afterwards, unofficially celebrated one of my best friend's birthday! Got asked to be her bridesmaids and we went wedding dress shopping. One step closer to getting our friend married! She is going to be a beauuuutiful bride :)))

Since we were in Ktown, LA and being the yelp elite that I am and asked the very important question: "Ok so we're in Ktown, name a must-go place"
hah.. immediate answer = well I bookmarked EMC Seafood & Raw Bar.
Best decision ever! Got in time for happy hour $1 oysters and $5 draft beers. And also finally got to try the uni pasta that everyone raves about (it was okk). But the atmosphere was great for meeting new people and the bartender and waiters were so affable! I'm pretty sure we hugged all the employees by the time we left... 4 hours later. Good times

Afterwards went to a bday-housewarming to say hi to a few friends. I still am not very good at beer pong, but much better than I used to be. No trolling this time.

I believe I slept in all day.. It started raining in socal and like every girl says = Yay cuddle weather! Except I cuddled myself to sleep and almost atrophied away my muscles (joke). Needless to say, Sunday was not very eventful nor productive.

did fasted week 3 Kayla Itsines BBG Monday workout. But my legs were STILL a hurtin' from Friday's LEG workout. Not a very justifiable workout at all. Planned to stop by gym after work but was tooo cold and headed home instead.
Tuesday shall be better


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