I think one factor that was really difficult in starting this blog was choosing a title. I hope whoever encounters this blog has a sense of humor and will not expect me to have an aesthetic body (or not just yet?), because in fact this blog is to motivate me into trying to achieve that proclamation. I am but a humble, curious, genetically disadvantaged (or so my excuse is) young woman just kind of in her early-mid-20's striving to basically have a beach ready body 24/7 in the very near future.

Also, the title is based on my realization that there aren't very many fitness blogs written by Asians. I've been searching through tumblr, bodybuilding, muscle and strength but to very little prevail. It seems to be white people dominated. (Ok, don't take me as a racist because I am not. I am a Korean-American but first and foremost I identify myself as an American, a southern californian living in the suburbs because I do not know how to exist anywhere else. You can't place me in Korea, or wherever else, and expect me to know innately how to thrive. But place me in a safe, suburban area in socal, I should be fine :)) Of course there is Blogilates and MC Barao and I daresay they are inspirational, motivational fitspiration. However, aren't the best sources of intimidating motivation from those that are everyday 'normal' people like you and me? But then again, I'm being illogical. Obviously all of us are everyday normal people. But what we do with our time and our drive to be the best we can be is what defines us in the end.

Last year I made myself closer to my goal in achieving the body I want. This year, it's going to happen: It's aesthetic time
So keep me accounted for :)


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