Snowboarding Sunday Funday

I'm more of a beach girl. Probably cause the sound of waves is soothing and the murmur of people playing frisbee or laughing at the waves in the background is joyful and relaxing. I can't wait for the beach days.

Thinking about snowboarding always gives my heart a slight jolt of panic. Why? Because getting ON the ski lift is kind of scary for me and also getting OFF is more scary because you have this feeling that everyone sees you fall flat on your face and sometimes if you don't get up fast enough the whole ski lift is paused just for you. There's no telling how slickly you'll get off that lift, and that's what gets me nervous each time I'm on that lift -_-. To me, although it's a small leap off that chair, it's still a little spurt of adrenaline each time and I can never get over that.

So trivial right? I mean I guess waves are just as scary. Each one can be unassuming and unpredictable. Some may be mellow yet others can come crashing down on you and make you tumble to the floor of the ocean and possibly scathe your cheek on the sand.

Or maybe I'm timid of snowboarding because of the almost brush with death experience I had while slipping down a slope trying to grab onto roots of trees passing me by to stunt my seemingly never-ending fall, or the fact that my own snowboard harshly broke to a stop a few inches away from my face as the wind from my lying body was taken away.

Basically, I think my biggest reason why I'm wary of snowboarding is that it has a higher chance of breaking your bones or you dying. But then, I'm obviously biased. Going snowboarding once a year is good enough for me!

PS: It's such a hassle putting on and taking off your binds each time you're on/off the lifts! haha


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