4/12 til Hawaii - Oh. My.

Sorry guys!
I'm not sure how the week passed me by so quickly? It's funny how I've been waking up early and sleeping at a decent hour too. And I think I was quite productive each day, but still didn't give myself enough time and motivation to blog. I think I've been just kind of in a blogging rut - But I promise I worked out! hmmm, if workout is not blogged or documented, was there really a workout? haha jk

Wait. I also think I had another culprit - LOL Youtube vids. Lately I've been obsessing over youtubers' apartment tours and morning routines. HAa.. I'm such a "voyeur." Youtube videos have given me other forms of motivation and inspiration, although it does create a lot of wants as well. (well, that's why there's so many ads and product placement right? exactly)

Anyways, What I've learned this week:
1) Planning out meals in advance is definitely helpful. I do have to tweak couple times, but having a set plan helped prevent me from going astray and snacking on extra carbs/calories. I also kept into consideration that I'm  a hungry girl, so I tried to have more snacks/meals in between and incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my diet as well. Oh, and furthermore, drinking a LOT of water and tea to keep the belly satiated longer.
2) If I want to do fasted cardio, I'm going to force myself to not dillydally as much. Because I want to have my first meal earlier. Previously, I've waited until 12-1pm to eat my first meal, but I think I'm going to get into habit of eating breakfast from now on.
3) As I have previously stated in other posts, I truly believe 3-4th week of working out/dieting is when the progress starts to be more evident. O:)

61 days


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