What's in my GYM bag?
Okk... so, I've decided to kind of come out of my comfort zone! Currently, I've been interested in vlogging, but more like documenting my random, weekend adventures and outings. And since I just recently got a GoPro, I've been itching to test it out and also film/edit and try to squeeze some creative juices out of me. However, I haven't done anything exciting as of yet. LOL. anyways, for shits and giggles I filmed a Tag: what's in my GYM bag.
Gawdd, I get camera shy and now I know some of my mannerisms that I can improve on. I also think with practice, I can become much better at articulating my words and also leveling my speaking skills more with my writing skills (I consider my writing skills more advanced than my conversing skills - Awkward introvert level).
Well, I am going to tie in my vlog with my blog, so here's a list of what I talked about!:
- hair ties, hair pin
- alcohol swabs to clean phone afterwards
- Jarv NMotion Sport Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 Stereo Earbuds/Headphones with In-Line Microphone , Green
- Sports bra with an old bra to wear underneath
- cute hand towel I got from Target's post-VDAY sale
- post it notes, class schedules, booklet, Chest Shoulder Tris workout, "blueprint" list, pen
- lock
- Big Back Lifting Grips
- Nike Expandable Running Lean Waistpack - Volt/Black
around $20
- floral cap from Cotton:On $5!
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