Why yes, I do love Abs & BBQ |
still sore from squats & deadlifts! Not really complaining, since it means my muscles are growing :)
Fasted AM workout: attempted to do week 3 BBG LEGS.
did some jump squats and burpees, but eventually just ended up doing jumping jacks and jumproping while watching
The Neighbors hahah!
zemmm Zac Efron and his body that "is like a giant arrow that points to his dick" LMAO

umm, other than the morning workout, I have been generally lazy and did work on my desk all day. Food-wise, I tried to not eat anything processed today. I also ate fruits after eating pork belly for lunch because I was still a little hungry - definitely helped satiate me. yahh nothing exciting or noteworthy today. LOL talking about fruits right hahah
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