1/12 til Hawaii - Wednesday

Week 1 Wednesday

haha I had a sinful coffee shake from Mcdonalds in the morning, but my body decided to be a bit lactose intolerant. lol! so morning gym was delayed for a little bit -_-
I was finally able to go to the gym and did 12 minutes of sprinting HIIT on the treadmill then 8 mins of cycling & cool down.

Throughout the day, I ate relatively clean and low carb, until I came back from work and saw a bag of kettle chips in the kitchen....my gawd, my weakness. cheeeps haha

86 days
I am editing this Thursday morning and I am incredibly sore from the squats done Tuesday evening. And NOT as bloated this morning as I thought I'd be hehe (from the chip gorge 'party'). I also think I must've hurt my left knee from sprinting, because when I squat down and try to get up, it feels so fragile and unstable! ahhh I hope it's something that can be healed naturally by my awesome body. Going to foam roll the shit out of my legs and try to increase blood flow. Fortunately, my knee doesn't hurt when I walk but I'm not going to stress it more by doing plyos and especially the originally planned deadlifting sesh for today.
:( I'm considering cycling after doing an upper body lifting sesh though. Will have to see how my body feels about that when it comes time.


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