1/12 til Hawaii - Tuesday

Week 1 - Tuesday
Nothing really extraordinary this day. well except that I totally killed it at the gym. Again :)

In the morning, I originally wanted to go do HIIT sprints on the treadmill. but I just did not have the willpower so I ended up doing Kayla Itsines BBG - Arms & Abs. oh gawd my two most un-favorite body parts to workout *cry face*

hahaha this picture made me laugh today
I had a busy day at work and also someone sprayed the room with too much air freshener so my head was hurting. I was just too temperamental to want to deal with waiting for machines and racks so I headed straight home afterwards, and happily conversed with family during dinner. LOL this reminds me of Sims when their mood levels get higher when they interact with their friends and family.

By 10 pm I was ready to force myself to go gym (even without caffeine!) and did

  • box jumps intervals
  • worked out lats while waiting for squat rack
  • SQUAT. did 3 sets of 3 with 135lbs :D YEA. trying to get a good 1 set soon!


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