1/12 til Hawaii - Friday

Week 1 Friday

BRB, Nikki Blackketter is my fitspiration. haha and yes I watch her workout movies to motivate me and also to make me get pumped up for my own workout.

Drank black coffee out of a hello kitty cup (like a boss) and went to the gym to do a fasted Back workout:
  • wide arm lat pulldowns
  • close grip pulldowns
  • cable rows, rope face pulls
  • bar pushdowns/triceps
  • single lat pulldowns
  • unilateral rows
  • 5 mins of cycling

However, afterwards I met with my friend and had a huge cup of taro slushy + egg pudding + boba. I'm fat .. I figured.... I can still treat myself to my cravings for a little bit, but I really need to hone it down furreal for the next 11 weeks HEH. I promise after this weekend? o:)

why after this weekend? Because my manfriend is visiting mee <3


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