Deadlifting high :)

Today was my deadlifting day! But I was also very lazy in the morning and didn't do fasted cardio. xD Must go harder tmw then for cardio.

So.. Last time I did deadlift with my man friend, I got to surpass my mental and physical block of 135 lbs! Holy guacamole. For months I've been stuck and could NOT lift it off the floor at all. However, after a couple of weeks of not working on deadlifts, I was so shocked that I lifted 135 lbs with ease and actually went up to 155 lbs in one gym session. It was crazy I tell you! I can't believe I'm making these gains everywhere. Seeing progress like that really motivates me more and puts me on such a high because there's proof that my body is indeed changing and getting strong. It's an amazing experience even though I still feel like a noob at the gym sometimes. I wonder if I'll ever have that confidence at the gym (maybe when I finally get abs and can shamelessly walk around with a sports bra on, GLOAT).

My workout today was just:
10 minutes treadmill of speed walking on incline
1 x 10 95 lb DL
1 x 10 115 lb DL
2 sets 135 lbs DL

I'm still considering if I should do Volume training for Deadlifts next time. I really do love trying to lift the heaviest I can for DLs.. but then GAINZ from volume training is calling me too?

Oh.. and also I need to buy lifting grips for deadlifting. My lifting gloves don't help at all with my sweaty palms and heavy bar :( Always slipping (that's what she said)

 Song of the Day Fedde Le Grand - So Much Love


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