ahh my biceps are hurting, or is it my back?
Back/Bicep days are one of my more intense workouts of the week. However, I never really feel like I workout my back very well. Like I can feel the soreness in my arms, but not really throughout my back.. hmm

Back & Biceps
-10 minutes HIIT stairmaster
-10x10 Volume pullups
4 sets of the following workouts:
-Close grip pulldowns
-Cable rows
-T- Bar rows

Ok so for 2.5 weeks I've been doing a Keto diet with a couple lapses of carb cheat days :) hahah I think it's been pretty effective however I haven't stuck with it long enough for the results to be exactly conclusive. It was weird that I craved carbs/sugars and actually wanted to eat oatmeal and sweet potato and brown rice only because the diet strictly doesn't allow it. (I'll try to write more about my quick experiment with keto diet soon!).

 I've decided to incorporate carbs back into my diet, but only trying to keep it at complex carbs. Currently learning about carb cycling. I like having more leeway in my life.


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