Week 4 - a recap
Tuesday, Jan 27
Workout: Didn't workout this day.
Still ate low carb/keto & kept full with the Costco Mamma chia blackberry hibiscus drink. A bit too sweet for me but the whole bottle only has 64 g of carbs and it can last you for a whole week. Also, I rearranged my clothes and truly found out how many sports bras I own! Seeing all the sports bras I own, I feel like I should be a buff girl by now! haha why is getting abs and growing a butt hard?
I must like food too much? That must be it.
Wednesday, Jan 28
Workout: Fasted cardio in the morning 4 rounds of 7 minute HIIT
Ate Souplantation but stayed away from the carby stuff (pasta and baked goods).
In the evening after work, I felt like doing more cardio since I had a buffet of veggies earlier o:). Did Kayla Itsines week 4 Wednesday (arms & ABs) workout. It also helped energize me to work on my research paper.
Thursday, Jan 29
Finally done with my month long course that I had to wake up early and drive through traffic M-F. I. hate. traffic. and. commuting! O M G. I do not know how people commute to LA every day. I would definitely be miserable and annoyed.
Having my month long class made me realize that I took my time for granted. But now I appreciate even more the time to read, to workout, to blog and to basically prioritize my time so I can do everything I want to do in a day! I was never a morning person, but I'm going to continue to try to be morning person because I feel like I can accomplish more.
Friday, Jan 30

Today we decided to eat at Joe's Crab Shack for the first time. hehe they give you bibs for the steam pot. There's my "hangry" selfie while waiting for the food.
MMM the seafood was pretty great! Our family decided it was a bit pricy, nevertheless we enjoyed the food.
-The crab legs were too tiny for us for too much effort.
-Mussels and clams were babies too
-Lobster claws were good!
-Scallops were too salty
-Seasoning was good good good
-The broth with the Samuel Adams was quite intriguing. I think I will attempt to make a seafood broth with beer in the future!

Saturday, Jan 31
wow January has already passed!
Did everyone do well with their resolutions and goals so far?
Workout: fasted cardio Kayla Itsines Week 4 Friday + ABs
Today... I decided to make it a carby day since I spent the day with my family. We ordered a party tray from Sushi boy. Though I don't really consider this sushi, it was very filling. haha all dat rice.
I also alloted myself a beer and chips while watching the Silva vs. Diaz fight.
HAHA! I love watching UFC fights.
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