Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse - Lasik edition

Ok, So I've been a bit MIA this weekend because... * commence drumroll * I just had LASIK procedure done on Saturday morning! Oh man, I have to be honest, it was bit nerve-wrecking and scary but I swear practicing a bit of yoga meditation and calming breaths really helped. It was also great that my surgeon told me step-by-step what he was doing and what to expect while in a calming, encouraging manner. "It's going to go dark right about now" "Focus on the green flashing light" "You're doing great" "My assistant will be holding your hand at this next part" "That was the hardest part" (The part when you feel pressure and know they're cutting a flap on your cornea X.x Oh gawdddd) I pretty much slept all day and night of Saturday. It would've helped me tremendously if I saw the tylenol in the post-op kit... my eyes were stinging and they were tearing while I waited for the ambien to kick in. Yeupp. so...