Monday & Tuesday Workout

Yesterday I procrastinated at going to the gym because I got hungry and made a sandwich then decided to catch up on Bones (wth, why is Pelant such a maniac). But since I eventually missed the boxing boot camp class I was planning to go to, I then decided to catch up on Modern Family and Once Upon a Time. Omg why is Peter Pan (the shadow) so creepy...
Therefore, I just made Monday a Cardio & Abs day
-Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
-the ab workout from
Here's the picture compilation I made from the information
Leg raises
Plank on stability ball
Side plank alternating leg raise
Swiss ball knee tucks

Tuesday - Chest & Triceps day
Db bench press 4 x 8 8 6 6
Pushups 4 x 10
Lying on back chest flys 4 x 8
Cable tricep extensions 3 x 8
Tricep Db extension 3 x 8

10 mins of jumping rope (my thighs/glutes are still hurting from Sunday's workout...)
and 15 mins of Insanity and dancing around >:)
gym, workout, workouts, abs, stomach, cardio, insanity, chest, triceps, weights, stability ball, 


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