'Ultimate' butt workout

I'm sure if you're around tumblr, you might've seen this workout floating about. I finally decided to go to fitbodyhq.com and check out their page: it's golden! I don't know, but for some reason, I just want to read every single article and try out every single workout... Maybe it's because the workouts seem doable and reasonable and don't just throw you into the extreme workout regimens. But they're perfectly challenging as well. At least this butt workout was.

best line:  When you squeeze your butt, imagine that you want to crack a walnut between the cheeks

Anyways, so yesterday was by butt/leg/cardio day so I decided to incorporate this
1. Activation
Glute bridge with weights 3x20
Quad hip extension 3x30 (each leg)
Lying hip abduction with weights 2x20 (each leg)

2. Main
Wide squats 3x20
Bulgarian split squats 3x20 (each leg)
High step ups 3x20 (each leg)

3. stretch
4. cardio

I do not like bulgarian split squats >< This is a great workout. I was sweating, my breathing was rapid, and my thighs/butt were feeling the workout. Next time I'll incorporate heavier weights

I know the article says:
Remember, these micro-exercises are not meant to replace your regular workouts, but just a way to complement them and bring greater glute awareness
But I think if you used weights and added in cardio this can definitely be your main glute workout. I will be trying to do this workout every other day because I want that booty!
butt, glutes, ass, booty, legs, thighs, workout, gym, exercise, weights, bodyweight, healthy, squats, 
Here is the link to the article which also explains in depth how to do the workouts.


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