Porter Robinson // Circle Assembly Tour

(I took this picture @ Hollywood Palladium, Porter Robinson)
I had absolutely so much fun on Saturday with my friend and his friends at the Hollywood Palladium to watch Porter Robinson live. O M G
I have this habit of setting low expectations when I go hang out with people, because then it's only your responsibility to make the most out of everything and exceed those expectations! And guess what, I at least have a good time every time.

This hang out was planned two months in advance, and I kind of thought my friend was joking about buying the tickets. But true to his words we went. It was crazy how people were just waiting at the gates trying to pawn off their tickets since the event was sold out. It was originally $35 but they were going for at least $100. Ridiculous :/ I'm so glad originally the tickets were at a decent price, because surely Porter could've made it more expensive and obviously people would still buy.

I'm not kidding when I say that we DANCED NONSTOP for 6 hours. The vibe of the group I was with was just so awesome! hahaha although I was in a group with 4 guys and 1 girl (me), the guys were just SO INTO the music. They didn't drop but for the love of music/7lions/Porter Robinson, they were just rocking and "dance(ing) like no one's business." I can't express how much fun I had hehe. Usually guys will just rock side-to-side (or at least the guys I usually hang out with?), but these guys were jumping and head banging and swinging their bodies (kind of.. best description I could think of right now?). And one even WOOOed! every 5 minutes I swear. They were so ecstatic in their dancing that several times people would come through and dance along for a while.
It was just absolutely contagious dancing alongside them. You know, not scandalously nor sexy but just pure dancing to the music enveloping all your senses.

And the cherry topping to an already awesome swirly sweetness? Think of all the calories we burned! Wouldn't it be funny if someone said EDM made me tone? Or if gyms added an EDM genre of dancing to their classes. I'd totally go, count me in.


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