omg why do I love the Harlem Shake phase?

I dunno... might be because it usually consists of half-naked guys pelvic thrusting.

LOL just sayin. I ain't complainin ;)

HAHA I kid. kind of.
It just looks like so much fun and I would love to be in on that action. Ew get your mind out of the gutter. What I mean is that I would love to just have fun with my friends while making such a stupid-fun movie. I think the best parts of the movies are at the end when it slows down and usually the movies go in slow motion. The most uncomfortable part of the song/movie is when that lonesome fellow dances by himself. I kind of cringe at the awkwardness. I also cringe when it's too raunchy-esque and overdone though. This specific one was the best one in my opinion. It was just pure-fun, random, chaotic, and creative. Loves it


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