2/12 til Hawaii - Monday to Thursday

Hurro, Jury Duty 2nd day at court, brought charger and listened to podcasts and snacked during recesses This week has been both fast and slow. I had jury duty for the first time and got selected to be a juror. I came with no expectations and left with respect, empathy, and insight. I've noticed how some people are so selfish and indifferent (those that were dismissed from jury selection), but also others who are moral and hold our laws to a high principle. As Americans, we really need to be grateful that we have the right to a trial and that 12 strangers spend X amount of hours and days to listen without bias and to be vigilant in upholding the laws. On the Go Diet In other news though.. wow so many breaks and recesses and long lunch hours. From Monday to Wednesday I was at the courthouse from 9am to 330 pm. And I did not plan nor pack my meals/snacks accordingly. One day I KILLED a Chipotle burrito bowl in one sitting cause I was famished and also had to rush to work ri...