Week 3 - Tues, Wed, Thurs
Jan 20, Tuesday
Did Kayla Itsines BBG + HIIT in the afternoon before lunch.
I'm kind of a cheater because I only do her circuits one time through then do 2 circuits of 30:30 Jumping jacks. Total is still 4 circuits, each 7 minutes long.
This is what I mean:
1st circuit = Wk 3 MON circuit 1 Legs
2nd = 30:30 jumping jacks/jump rope HIIT
3rd = Wk 3 MON circuit 2 Legs
4th = 30:30 jumping jacks/jump rope HIIT
Then in the evening after work, I went straight to gym and did squats fasted. Getting stronger! I can actually squat 135 lbs 4x! Where did that strength come from? Must be from "bulking" haha
Jan 21, Wednesday - Lazy, Rest day
Jan 22, Thursday
HIIT 4 circuits of 7 minute 30:30 jumping jack/jump rope
Most likely will go to gym in evening and workout the back muscos. Then afterwards sweat it out some more in the sauna. wooo
Currently, I enjoy having a countdown timer on the screen while doing my cardio and watching The Biggest Loser. The cast is working out hard which motivates me as well lol. Plus I don't get as distracted as I would if I watched a movie or another tv show.

I'm kind of a cheater because I only do her circuits one time through then do 2 circuits of 30:30 Jumping jacks. Total is still 4 circuits, each 7 minutes long.
This is what I mean:
1st circuit = Wk 3 MON circuit 1 Legs
2nd = 30:30 jumping jacks/jump rope HIIT
3rd = Wk 3 MON circuit 2 Legs
4th = 30:30 jumping jacks/jump rope HIIT
Then in the evening after work, I went straight to gym and did squats fasted. Getting stronger! I can actually squat 135 lbs 4x! Where did that strength come from? Must be from "bulking" haha
Jan 21, Wednesday - Lazy, Rest day
Jan 22, Thursday
HIIT 4 circuits of 7 minute 30:30 jumping jack/jump rope
Most likely will go to gym in evening and workout the back muscos. Then afterwards sweat it out some more in the sauna. wooo
Currently, I enjoy having a countdown timer on the screen while doing my cardio and watching The Biggest Loser. The cast is working out hard which motivates me as well lol. Plus I don't get as distracted as I would if I watched a movie or another tv show.
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