Week 3 - TGIF& the weekend

Although this week was shorter than other weeks (bc of MLK Monday), this week felt so rushed. I am definitely cherishing the weekend right now even though I still have plenty to get done on my to do list. TLC first, I need TLC.

Friday, January 23
I had to rush out the house but I wanted an outfit that was versatile and interchangeable from day-to-gym clothes. Think this one hit the mark. Both items are from Macy's and each cost less than $10 a piece! The Ideology tee is lightweight, breezy, and is made of material that wicks your sweat. And the Material Girl geometric leggings are loud, vibrant and.. were probably not meant as gym clothes originally, but no one needs to know :).

Friday seemed like a long day, so in the evening I drank some coffee and convinced myself I couldn't waste a perfect outfit by not going to the gym. Forced myself to do volume gaining deadlifts while  looking both cute and badass.

Friday night's routine: warmup cycle 7 minutes, volume training deadlift, cycle 10 minutes, then finish gym sesh in the sauna.

Saturday, Jan 24
Morning fasted HIIT cardio while watching The Biggest Loser
My meals the whole day were repeat eatings of steak, brown rice, black bean, arugula, tomatoes, onions, and Italian dressing. Yum! Somewhat similar to a chipotle salad bowl.

Sunday, Jan 25
Drank black coffee and did fasted HIIT cardio.
Today will also be my last day... till Vday weekend to eat carbs. I'm going to try limiting to one cheat carb day however. I know if I allow myself to cheat a few more times, I will eventually give myself too much leeway. HEH I ate a sandwich, haagen dazs, sweet potato, brown rice, and feening for a beer curently.
I dilly-dallied most of today but eventually went to gym to do volume training squats and squatted my PR! 145 lbs WOOP WOOP!


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