
I was wondering why I have been kind of MIA on my blog.
haha then it dawned on me, I've been binge watching Orange is the New Black.
.... I believe I finished two seasons in a span of 1-1.5 week. Holy crap. That is dedication.
Now I can continue on with my normal life.

I'm not exactly sure why the show is so captivating, but it is. (I mean, the show is held in a prison and interestingly even though everyone is restricted and everyday is supposed to be dully monotonous, shit just happens). I think the writers of the show really develop the characters that we as viewers invest our time and interest to the past and present of the characters. And since there's so many characters, there are just so many different angles to follow all leading up to a bigger element. Also, I think it's amazing how they evolve most of the characters and no one is exactly one-dimensional. I believe that's why it's a bit impossible to really despise any of the characters (except for VEE, she's V for Vile. and "always so rude"). You see their development as people and the justifications for their actions.

**sorry. there are some spoilers for season 2**

-Fig. for a moment you hate Fig but when you see her life spiral down in all aspects of her own life - love/marriage, career, pride) you really pity her.
-Healy. hahaha he just wants to be loved and used to believe he could make a difference in the inmates' lives. Just lost and sexually frustrated. Actually frustrated in all aspects of his own life.
-Pornstache. he's definitely the comic relief of the show. Gawd he's obnoxious and morally kind of questionable. However his puppy love for Daya is kind of endearing.

I'm quite satisfied with the finale in that there aren't cliffhangers to gnaw at me until season 3. I was gloriously freed when serendipitously Miss Rosa gets to run away while running over you know who.

Don't worry though, I've been jump roping on and off while enthralled by OITNB :) multi-tasking and not wasting too much time


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