I could probably talk about my Leg Day in memes

Oh man I gotta mentally prepare myself for LEG day. Wear the right clothes, fully charge phone for music, find some fitspiration and think about BOOTY #operationgrowabooty

Also hope to catch Ryan Gosling at the gym

Yesterday I went to a cafe and got one of their Intelligentsia coffees. It was so strong (& delish!) I felt slightly buzzed. Needless to say it was perfect for LEG DAY and I went HARD at the gym. However I couldn't fall asleep til 6 am the next morning.. 

Ps, I don't usually drink coffee and tea (unless I water them down) and I most definitely restrict myself from drinking caffeine after 3pm simply because I actually stay awake.

Why do people (Ahem bros) suck at re-racking. The only comfort I have to having to take off all the plates is that it's extra energy expenditure and I guess I'm still "lifting things and putting them down."

Ryan Gosling fitspiration/motivation. Self-explanatory.

Ooow yea. Yea I did squats with 135 lbs. You surprised huh

I'll eat some protein and lie on the floor looking at instagram while willing myself to get up and go shower.

Cant. Even. Get. Off. Toilet..


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