LOL I love this trailer! it's basically dressing up cute dogs, and filming them do random stuff but somehow incorporating them all together in an artsy way. dogs, puppies, cute, djs, Kind of how Robin Thick's mv for Blurred Lines is super random with girls doing basically nothing, but still quite artsy. hahah
Showing posts from May, 2013
I could've sworn...
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That I updated most of the days with the workouts I did everyday.. I guess not! But 2.5 weeks of constant working out did my body good, except I totally, unjustifiably, gluttonously fed it with ice cream, beers, fast food, and sushi buffet this past week... I am going to be a hermit and just do me right now! I am selfish like that and absolutely love my own time to complete my personal goals, work by my own schedule, and read/watch/question my mind. Going back to that grow-a-booty and show-the-shy-abs routine. This picture was from last Thursday and I'm happy to say the squats are progressing =) Eating out basically everyday from the 17th to 23rd has really affected my body for the bad :P so the goal for the rest of May is to eat at home and to eat clean :)! Good thing I am no longer going to EDC and do not have to worry about having a 'raver' 'Plur' 'Edm' body which every girl apparently already has ready.. Gotta get that summer bikini bod though! ...
Sunday, Mother's day everyday
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I decided the best way I can show my mom I love her is to attempt to cook one of my favorite dishes for the family. I guess it would make sense to cook HER favorite dish.. but she never tried ciopinno and I wanted to introduce it to her. Spent most of the early afternoon looking for ingredients and fresh seafood. Then labored in the kitchen deveining all the shrimps, scrubbing the feisty crab, washing down the mussels, and prepping all the vegetables. I spent at least two hours in the kitchen, but then again 40 minutes of it was to boil the base and most of it was prepping. My mom teased me and said I should've just taken her to a restaurant. Woman! This is homemade and it's going to be better than some restaurants! I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I believe it came out great! :D On the side I made balsamic vinaigrette pasta with leftover mussels & toasted sourdough bread for the cioppino.
Friday Fun Day! Saturday spontaneous day
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One thing good about having gone to a small private school was that... everyone knew of each other, or at least recognized their faces. Obviously, that could also be a huge disadvantage. But being an alumni means that we have this small yet strong connection of 'networking' and when you bump into someone from your school, it's not that strange to hang out with each other even though back in school the only contact we might've had was taking a course together or bumping into each other at a social gathering. Well that isn't really the case here because I'm close to these awesome ladies here and Mr. Canada (let's call him that) was my ex-roommate's big so we're all interconnected and I have fond, fun memories with him from my undergrad years. hokay.. that was a slight tangent, my bad FRIDAY Anyways, I haven't seen Anabelle and Lexi in a while so through their beckoning I answered their call and sang/drove my way down to SD. I first meet up ...
Wednesday detour
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Yesterday, my friends and I planned to go hydrobiking. It's what it sounds like, biking on water. But unfortunately it was too windy in Long Beach at the time of the appointment so it was canceled :( We all planned to be active that day instead of being sedentary, but we eventually just wound up walking around a nice mall and shopping/window shopping, and then going to a Cha2o for some boba and food. Ahhh boba, one of my weaknesses. It was just great talking about life, ideas, future, our own personal lives, methods of hotness, etc girl talk with my ladies :) Yesterday was just such an unhealthy eating day.. Because once I got home, I saw that there was pizza, so I grabbed a slice, slathered tapatio all over it, and drank it all down with an IPA. Big fat cheat day ^_^... And I'm completely feeling the after-effects of my caloric binge-ing. One step forward, two steps back. But at least today I was more motivated to cleanse myself and feed myself more nutritious and healthy...
Monday & Tuesday Workout
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Yesterday I procrastinated at going to the gym because I got hungry and made a sandwich then decided to catch up on Bones (wth, why is Pelant such a maniac). But since I eventually missed the boxing boot camp class I was planning to go to, I then decided to catch up on Modern Family and Once Upon a Time. Omg why is Peter Pan (the shadow) so creepy... Therefore, I just made Monday a Cardio & Abs day -Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit -the ab workout from Here's the picture compilation I made from the information Leg raises Plank on stability ball Side plank alternating leg raise Swiss ball knee tucks Tuesday - Chest & Triceps day Chest Db bench press 4 x 8 8 6 6 Pushups 4 x 10 Lying on back chest flys 4 x 8 Triceps Cable tricep extensions 3 x 8 Tricep Db extension 3 x 8 10 mins of jumping rope (my thighs/glutes are still hurting from Sunday's workout...) and ...
Past weekend fun
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One of the greatest joys in life is to enjoy great times with amazing company. To me, the simplest great times are when you can soak up the sun, listening to waves, and eating and drinking merrily with good friends (ok fine, it could be simpler = just eating and drinking merrily with good friends). I got to do just that this past weekend. Whenever I hang out with this man (I'm going to call him Marshmallow) we drink a lot (of water..) and eat a lot of good food. No wonder I gained some love chubs our first year together. You're the most ignorant when you're happy and fat :) You're also more ignorant when you start wearing baggier, loose-fitting shirts. Anyways, luckily this past weekend we didn't eat unhealthy at all. I got to take him to Wurstkuche to grab a draft while checking out some hipster LA people, then to a 24 hour BCD soondobu joint because it was late at night and he wanted korean food. The next day we headed to downtown Anaheim and I...
'Ultimate' butt workout
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I'm sure if you're around tumblr, you might've seen this workout floating about. I finally decided to go to and check out their page: it's golden! I don't know, but for some reason, I just want to read every single article and try out every single workout... Maybe it's because the workouts seem doable and reasonable and don't just throw you into the extreme workout regimens. But they're perfectly challenging as well. At least this butt workout was. best line: When you squeeze your butt, imagine that you want to crack a walnut between the cheeks Anyways, so yesterday was by butt/leg/cardio day so I decided to incorporate this 1. Activation Glute bridge with weights 3x20 Quad hip extension 3x30 (each leg) Lying hip abduction with weights 2x20 (each leg) 2. Main Wide squats 3x20 Bulgarian split squats 3x20 (each leg) High step ups 3x20 (each leg) 3. stretch 4. cardio I do not like bulgarian split squats >< This is ...
Finally getting over my sickness
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And I could not wait to get back to the gym. I have gotten fluffier and I think the last time I set foot in a gym was 2-3 weeks ago, while still eating to my heart's content. So once I got to the gym today, I turned on the EDM music and hit it hard! It's already May and summer is not just right on the corner but running towards me. (eh..I'm too lazy to fix that bad boxing... hahah oops) The jump for joy plyo workout is here it supposedly burns 500 calories. I'll take that! shoulders, abs, workout, gym, fitness, weights, swiss ball, exercise ball, exercise, healthy, fitness, cardio, toned,
another homemade 'protein' shake
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omg why didn't I think of using tofu in shakes before?? I sometimes love to just eat raw, silken tofu because it's kind of like pudding... Tchh who needs protein powder anyways. I love this more natural alternative! < In this smoothie for my post-workout: Pineapples, strawberries, banana, 1/2 cup of tofu and some water. Delicious =) Happy Dianasaur The first two links are more information about tofu as protein source in smoothies and the last link is a recipe for a chocolate/tofu milkshake! healthy, gym, fitness, workout, protein, proteinshake, cheaper, natural, smoothie, post workout, fruits, strawberry, pineapple, banana, tofu, soy,