August process

Ive realized I never posted a progress pic of what I have accomplished the last few weeks of september and beginning of August.

Before OSL/Beginning of August:

  • Workout: Lots of fasted cardio, sauna, and lifting
  • Diet: Mostly keto/low carb diet

Mid august (the first 2 weeks of August): 
  • Workout: HIIT sprints and pushups, Cycling 14 miles American river bike trail (Sacramento), PR at deadlifint 225 lbs, plenty of ab wheels
  • Diet: eating late nights, drunk munchies... mostly protein and veggies on weekdays, low carb burgers, carne asada and BBQ, ice creams at night, some beers, some alcohol, pizzas on weekend, and 2x buffet = I ate so well!

I guess ab wheels and hiit sprints were my saving grace.. hehe. Totally worth all that food grubbing.


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