Deadlift HIGH

Hahah today I did sets of deadlifts til failure. This message kind of made my evening today hehe
My Deadlifting day usually follows like so:

  • Warmup with 95lbs 1 x 10 reps
  • 135 lbs 2 x 7
  • 185 lbs x4
  • 205 lbs x3 (my current PR)
  • then drop back down to 135 lbs and do as many sets and reps TIL FAILURE. I usually can do about 6 sets of 5-7 reps.
Then I finish with 10 minutes of inclined walking on the treadmill. Deadlift days are my most badass baby boss days :) Now if only my butt will grow and my belly fat will shed so I can have abs!


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