30 days of working out

First Day of JULY

Today when I realized today was the first day of a new month, I told myself I could do 30 days of workouts.. dang it I didn’t work out today, but I realized there’s 31 days in July! Mustt work out tmw and not let myself skip a day I’ve been so busy, but I’m going to try posting what I eat (mostly low carb and keto diet and some moderation) and what workouts I do (strength and cardio)

Day 1 (I actually didn't post)
Had an exam for my online course but walked on the treadmill for fasted cardio while reading my notes. My favorite way to review notes. I feel like walking helps your mind be more awake, but maybe that's just my logic. Actually I feel really guiltless when I get to watch Netflix while on the treadmill :D I mean I'm being productive!

Day 2 an hour to kill
Today I had a little more than an hour to kill after an exam and before lab. My new friend asked me if I wanted to check out a taco place near campus, but today I was motivated to fit in a cardio workout with the extra time I was given, thus I declined his offer. I am very good at declining offers :/ but not very great at extending offers. No wonder I’m satisfied with being an introvert..

Sprint walked 10 minutes back to my free parking. Drove to the gym. Changed into gym clothes.
HIIT cycle 5-10 mins
Interval Box Jumps and Pushups 10 rounds

Run to shower. Discover I totally forgot to bring slippers T_T. Tiptoed around the tiles. Quickly rinsed and tried to dry up efficiently. I hate being rushed to shower and towel up and change into clothes with wet hair… I feel like you smell like a “wet towel” or “wet dog.” Then rush out gym and drive back to campus and sprint walk for 10 minutes again while profusely sweating.

I felt great and energized working out.. however I prefer to not be on such a short timeline. Next time I think I will opt to study instead. xP

Also, today I mostly ate pieces of rotisserie chicken. Such a convenient meal prep source! In the morning I cut pieces of peaches and pineapples and put them in a ziplock bag. And in a second bag I sliced up cucumbers, tossed in pieces of chicken then threw in a pinch of parmesan cheese. Super easy to feed yourself while on the go.


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