28 days left: last day of April - BBGmeetupOC

BBGmeetupOC (April 30, 2016)

I was lucky enough to sign up for the 10 am session. It's so strange on my part.. that I have this weird habit of mentally trying to come up excuses to flake out of an event. I think it's my social-anxiety and timidness to go somewhere by myself. But I'm really pushing myself to not have this mindset and to just run towards uncomfortable situations and embrace it. At the top of my head, I think the best way to make myself more confident is to:
1. Fake it till I make it (the confidence)
2. Think of certain topics of the day I can fall back on
3. Just go with the flow and enjoy the present
4. Others may just be as nervous to meet new people!

This was the circuit that @Bianca_Bonus led us through. I loved the more intimate setting and smaller group workout done inside the Lorna Jane store. It was much easier to meet with others who were also there by themselves. Furthermore, you can see every single person just kicking their own butts throughout each circuit.

Currently waiting patiently for the next one o:)


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