Hello 2016

Yes Yes, I am a bit late for the hello 2016 party. I've been relatively MIA from social media the past 2 weeks because I tried to stay in the present and embrace every moment spent with my manfriend & friends! While with him, I've hardly had any time to peruse through social media; I've realized how much time I have spent just browsing through instagram, fb, etc - but it's because I had so much independent time for myself.

Now that I'm back from the 2 week vacation of visiting my manfriend, I want to continue not being so compulsively addicted to social media - skimming through the feeds a bit more than I'd like to admit. It was quite liberating not being on social media as often. I think I'd like to spend more time reading, listening to podcasts, and generally being better with time-management & efficiency. We'll see though! It's a work in progress and I still want to continue blogging & documenting my progress and adventures :)

2016, here's to another year to continue bettering oneself & striving for your goals!


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