
Today I munched on pineapples with blueberries, had some brown rice with soup, and then munched on a bag of hot cheetos.. Looking at that from a keto/low carb aspect, I totally failed. :( I don't think I ate excessively, however my body is filled with guilt and now I am chugging water to try to wash everything out. I don't think this feeling of shame and disgust is healthy but I'm trying to approach my reprehension with calm and maturity. I remind myself that majority of the time I eat relatively clean and healthy with whole ingredients. And that my dietary setback at least gave me a moment of satisfaction but a sense of resilience to practice more willpower next time. Chips are my kryptonite xD don't ever share chips with me. Their air-like sustenance don't satisfy me enough to let me know enough is enough. That "last chip" really should be your last one Diana! "just one more handful".... But it's ok. One snacking and indulging a lit...