
Showing posts from June, 2014


Today I munched on pineapples with blueberries, had some brown rice with soup, and then munched on a bag of hot cheetos.. Looking at that from a keto/low carb aspect, I totally failed. :( I don't think I ate excessively, however my body is filled with guilt and now I am chugging water to try to wash everything out. I don't think this feeling of shame and disgust is healthy but I'm trying to approach my reprehension with calm and maturity. I remind myself that majority of the time I eat relatively clean and healthy with whole ingredients. And that my dietary setback at least gave me a moment of satisfaction but a sense of resilience to practice more willpower next time. Chips are my kryptonite xD don't ever share chips with me. Their air-like sustenance don't satisfy me enough to let me know enough is enough. That "last chip" really should be your last one Diana! "just one more handful".... But it's ok. One snacking and indulging a lit...


I was wondering why I have been kind of MIA on my blog. haha then it dawned on me, I've been binge watching Orange is the New Black . .... I believe I finished two seasons in a span of 1-1.5 week. Holy crap. That is dedication. Now I can continue on with my normal life. I'm not exactly sure why the show is so captivating, but it is. (I mean, the show is held in a prison and interestingly even though everyone is restricted and everyday is supposed to be dully monotonous, shit just happens). I think the writers of the show really develop the characters that we as viewers invest our time and interest to the past and present of the characters. And since there's so many characters, there are just so many different angles to follow all leading up to a bigger element. Also, I think it's amazing how they evolve most of the characters and no one is exactly one-dimensional. I believe that's why it's a bit impossible to really despise any of the characters (except...

Soybean Milk Protein smoothie

This is what I drank after my Leg workout. The day before my mom boiled soybeans and then we put them in the blender and gave them a whirl. (we had Korean Kong Guk Su - Soybean cold noodles) So with some of the leftover soybean milk mixture I decided to incorporate into a smoothie. +frozen blueberries +fresh squeezed orange juice +strawberries +chia seeds I'm trying to add chia seeds to my daily routine because for nutrition-wise, they contain a lot of fat and protein and not much carbs. Also for that reason they also can help curb hunger. This would be useful in a keto/low carb diet since there's not much carbs (in your diet) to keep you full longer. :)

I could probably talk about my Leg Day in memes

Oh man I gotta mentally prepare myself for LEG day. Wear the right clothes, fully charge phone for music, find some fitspiration and think about BOOTY #operationgrowabooty Also hope to catch Ryan Gosling at the gym Yesterday I went to a cafe and got one of their  Intelligentsia coffees . It was so strong (& delish!) I felt slightly buzzed. Needless to say it was perfect for LEG DAY and I went HARD at the gym. However I couldn't fall asleep til 6 am the next morning..  Ps, I don't usually drink coffee and tea (unless I water them down) and I most definitely restrict myself from drinking caffeine after 3pm simply because I actually stay awake. Why do people (Ahem bros) suck at re-racking. The only comfort I have to having to take off all the plates is that it's extra energy expenditure and I guess I'm still "lifting things and putting them down." Ryan Gosling fitspiration/motivation. Self-explanatory. Oo...

Pre planning workouts and meal is really effective!

Day 1 - LEGS, BUTT Did Fasted imaginary jumping rope while entertaining myself with Grey's Anatomy, then promptly headed to the kitchen. I woke up today craving a waffle and was so keen on making one. However, I saw that my mom had left Dried Pollock soup (Bugeoguk) in the pot and mmm, I can't just NOT eat her food. This soup is very simple but quite filling with the egg drop and some brown rice swirled into it. Yum. Apparently Bugeoguk is aka "hangover" soup in Korea. I did not know that! *sigh* I kind of pushed back my gym time and arrived at the gym around 3:45 pm. It was busy already and the bros took over the weights area. what I ended up doing for my workout: -10 min stairmaster -25 lb plate lunges 4 x 16 steps -Hip thrust 30 lbs 4 x 15 -Abductions 4 x 20 This just means that tmw's workout will be KILLER since I'll be making up for today's and also doing tmw's as well. Ahhh will definitely drink coffee before heading to gy...

Delicious banana+honey & Thai Chicken kale salad

For brunch I sliced a banana, added fresh blueberries, threw in some walnuts, sprinkled cinnamon, and drizzled on honey. THIS BE BANANAS. PARTY IN MY MOUTH. It's so gratifyingly delicious. I also splashed some milk to eat it kind of like a cereal. I believe this is my current breakfast obsession.  For dinner I had the inspiration from I just sliced the chicken however instead of shredding it. And I used kale since I didn't have cabbage. Also made some changes to the salad dressing by adding a sweet chili thai sauce to the mix, didn't realize the peanut butter was finished. It was a winner with the family :) However... I didn't go workout today T_T just stretching and yoga. So I also planned out my week of workouts and pledged to not miss any.

Sunday: weekly diet planning day?

haha wow today I spent quite a bit of time on Pinterest organizing my old likes and boards. It's one of those sites that really suck up your time because you invested so many things you want to save for a future project or for your future in general. But the one disadvantage is that I've collected so many things that I pinned to look at later, which I have forgotten. I want to kind of get into a habit of looking back at them (while not wasting too much time) and bringing them out into action. Monday Breakfast: Banana, cinnamon, honey Lunch: Chopped Thai chicken salad Dinner: Chicken, egg, cranberries, apples, nuts, onions, greek yogurt salad eat with veggies Tuesday Breakfast: Omelette wrap omelette wrap Lunch: salmon with yu choy inspirations.. Dinner: Cucumber salad with greek yogurt, tomato, avocado, salt, black pepper. Add chicken or tuna Wednesday Breakfast: blueberry chia ...