Thursday, May 29 PUSH

PUSH chest press 3x12 squats 5 sets leg press 3x10 tri pressdown 3x10 shoulder press/y-press 3x10 Yesterday I kind of lagged so I did the workout fasted. I'm personally used to fasting till 1-2 pm so I was still energetic. I did eat a handful of peanuts just in case - don't want to be lightheaded and faint at the gym! After the workout, I realized I like to do cardio fasted but strength training should be done after a solid meal. I didn't feel like my performance was weaker or that I burnt out quicker, but preferably I won't be weightlifting on an empty stomach again. I thought it was so funny that my sweat marks made this face -___-. I call it the "weh" face But this is what I got to eat post workout. Chirashi bowl - some carbs and protein :)