Weekends keep me alive

I can't believe how quickly time passes by. It's so weird because everyday that passes by, I'm doing generally routine regimens; I can understand how people who do the same boring old lifestyle can fall into the pattern and not realize how quickly life passed them by. It's a sobering thought.. Luckily it's the summer and my friends help me not drift away and get lost into my own la-la, introvert cave. I'm really grateful that my friends constantly try to catch up with me even if it's just over a little bit of food and slightly intoxicated conversations, or just making new memories and dancing the night away celebrating and enjoying our youths and friendships. I'm also glad that people think I'm entertaining and have new friends to eat lunch with everyday. I mean I honestly do not mind eating lunch by myself but socializing and hearing stories about other people's youths, goals, and families is nice. It's funny how you have one perception abo...