Saturday's DTLA BBG meetup
#sweatwithLA The night before, I estimated that commute would take 40-45 mins, locating parking and walking to the meetup would take 15 mins. What I didn't account for was me snoozing the alarm and oversleeping for almost an hour. Luckily my timeline previously was to be at Grand Park by 8am; the workouts would start promptly at 8:45 am. I pick up my friend, and of course it takes us more than 10 mins to actually find parking. Then we speed-walk to the original location of the meetup, but there's another event happening, so we speed-walk to another area of the park. We made it right when they were finishing up the yoga warmup. This was my first BBG meetup and also the first time doing the workouts in a group/workout buddy setting. Although my friend and I whined occasionally: "omgg my abs are on fire; wehh; what, still 2 more mins??" It was a great experience to see so many other girls working out and pushing themselves - that truly motivated me to work hard...