EASY PEASY, no extra fluff, PROTEIN waffles!

For some reason I was craving waffles today, but I've also decided I want to eat more wholesome & also less carbs (mostly from bread, sugar, rice however). Therefore, I decided to look up Protein frickin waffles! I noticed there were more "easy" ingredients for protein pancakes, whereas, for waffles there were "more" ingredients. Well.. I guess I'll try to experiment today and if it's a fail, I shall be eating chocalate-y egg scramble. Intriguing Luckily for me, today's attempt was a success! Here's another 3-ingredient no-fluff recipe :D . EASY PEASY 30 g whey protein (or like 1 scoop) 1 egg 1/4 cup water Since I didn't add baking powder, the waffles didn't rise but I'm totally ok with that. For some extra flavor, I drizzled honey and sprinkled some cinnamon. Then pretty much mashed everything into my mouth. Craving totally satisfied without any guilt. yesss I think for next time. I might blend some chia seeds to he...