Progress pics?!

Haha this morning I decided to flex a little in front of the mirror just for fun. Hey.. seems like the pullups, chin ups and dips are working (still doing assisted ones) I kind of convinced myself that since I gain weight quickly, like when I look at a picture of a glazed donut I gain 5 lbs, I must also be able to lose weight and gain muscles well too. Definitely optimistic thinking and I have no idea if it's true or reasonable. However, I haven't been able to workout in a week and half since I was ill, therefore this process is so random to me. Nevertheless, it planted a seed of more motivation and glee at the proof of process. And I need that. The past couple of weeks, I have been sick with a sore throat, congested nose, slight fever, and muffled-ears. It was frustrating because I felt like speaking was difficult and hearing was impaired, my senses were all so muddled. My eyes were hot from fever and my head was dull with congestion and I had a seemingly-dense head...